Spring brings an air of newness. A sense of opportunity and vibrance, the thrill of longer days and the excitement of social rejuvenation. It also brings rain. Potentially, a lot of rain.
Generally, moods tend to dampen when the storm clouds roll in, but the rain offers something pretty spectacular: the potential to bloom.
What if, rather than waiting for the sun to get stifling and desperately dreaming of summer days, we took the Spring as a beat. A moment to pause. To cleanse. To hydrate.
Blooms, in all forms, require watering. They require a commitment to nourishment, a daily ritual of care, and a proportionate balance of water & light. Not one or the other, but both.
Compare yourself, for an imaginative moment, to a bloom. You might notice that you’re not much different. You too, require both. Nourishment & care. Water & light.
If you’re someone who struggles with low energy, moodiness, fatigue or brain fog – hydration might be the easiest solution to some of your most irritating problems, as we discovered that,
“…being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.”
With that in mind, here are 3 creative ways you can hydrate & cleanse this Spring season:
- Snack. We know, snacking sounds like an odd way to stay hydrated, but many foods have a high water content and offer a crunchy alternative to drinking water all day. What are the most hydrating foods? Asparagus, cauliflower, and bell peppers to name a few, but you can check out UCLA Health’s list of Top 15 hydrating foods here.
- IV therapy. One of the reasons we’re so excited to offer IV drips as a regular service at trove, is the effective opportunity IVs give your body to properly hydrate. IV therapy bypasses the gastric system, so the body can absorb more fluids quickly. An IV drip will feel like a reset for your body, a cure for your hangover & alleviate the never ending question in your mind about whether or not you “really drank enough water today”.
- Skin Care. Your skin is the largest, and arguably most important organ in your body. It’s easy to neglect your morning and nighttime routines when life gets overwhelming and busy, but with adequate hydration your skin may begin to mirror that summer glow you’re craving. Give yourself the gift of a simple two minute skin care ritual that nourishes & hydrates your physical body from the outside in.
Bridge the gap between the seasons to ensure you’re thriving as the days continue to get longer, by remembering to care for yourself in these simplest of ways.